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Sunday Best : Mono-Pink

Hi guyssssssssss, most of you know (from our instagram) that I am currently going through a whole new phase in my life, Motherhood, oh boy, I may need to do a "What I wish somebody told me" post. All in all I am so thankful, these days I find myself just randomly saying "Thank you Jesus" whether in traffic or random moments at home, God is good. After this epistle, I know you guys can't be too harsh on me.... I'm in a different headspace and I don't want to "force" things and this includes blogging. A huge shout out to mummy bloggers like J'adore Fashion who make it look so easy, heyyyy... I'm feeling really pretty and girly in my monochrome pastel pink outfit, I hope you enjoy my Sunday Best.

Dress- ASOS, Shoes - Ferragamo



  1. Chic! Love the look

  2. Not big on pink but this shade...too pretty :)

    The shoes <3 <3

  3. Oh and congrats! Being a mum comes before everything else, so we'll cut you a lot of slack :)
