Chronicles Of a Bargain Queen 3: Segi & Mina's stash

Hey guys, I'm packing my stuff and getting ready to head back to Lagos...just wanted to pop in briefly to show you some of the goodies I found at charity stores, Shan will also be sharing some of her friend Mina's stuff from her visit... Enjoy

My stuff...
 Bright print retro dress £7.  I plan to tweak it a bit. The tie band and shoulder pads are going.

 Brand new Next Dress £4 - Will be wearing this to work, I start working soon :o)

 Bag £3, I already carried it here

 Fuschia Purse - £2, I don't really like the strap/handle so I may be snipping it off

And that's all from me folks, I'm going to finish up with my packing...In other news I got a new camera for my birthday and I'm "gingered" for new juicy posts, Shally and her camera have got nothing on me, lol.

Shally here...
So Edinburgh did Minz a lot of good :o) , she got these at our local charity stores...

 I carried borrowed this bag here 

 Gorgeous brooch and ring


I have totally forgotten how much Minz' stuff cost, I know the bag was not more than £10 and for the jewelry, nothing cost more than £5.
It seems like all our bargain stories are centered around thrift/charity stores, I can't explain why but we do get great bargains at regular stores... I think its more exciting with the thrift stores tho because there's this feeling of scoring something really unique, something you won't usually find at the regular stores never-mind the price... Nonetheless we should/will do a post on regular store bargains soon enough.

Enjoy the rest of your week guys.
